Fingerprints are a common part of our daily lives; they appear on everything we touch—glasses, bottles, plates, phones, and cutlery. We leave them everywhere, often without even thinking about it, trusting that those who find them will not misuse them.

Interestingly, we also use our fingerprints in various crucial aspects of modern life, such as banking, finding a perfect partner, or making purchases online. Despite this, we often overlook how universal and easily accessible our fingerprints are.

Fingerprints have evolved into unchangeable digital passwords—passwords we don’t need to remember and ones that seem permanent and unchangeable.

The Presidents Prints is an exhibition that explores our dependence on this form of insecure digital security. By blending analog, digital, and artificial technologies, the exhibition sheds light on the paradox of using fingerprints as both unique identifiers and insecure passwords. It suggests that by combining different forms of technology, we can uncover deeper truths hidden within the half-truths we often accept.

About the Artist:

Gerard Raisen is a part-time artist, sometimes a developer, and always a skeptic. His unique perspective allows him to create thought-provoking works that challenge our understanding of security and identity in the digital age.

Through The Presidents Prints, Raisen invites visitors to reflect on the implications of using such a personal and immutable part of ourselves—our fingerprints—as a key to our digital lives. By merging digital with analog and artificial technologies, he uncovers the vulnerabilities and the hidden truths in our reliance on this seemingly foolproof method of security.